Innovation & Research
We are a research and development entity founded by scientists, not a marketing company. So we’re about the steak, not the sizzle. We don’t buy into fad ingredients or nutritional panaceas. We tell it like it is, and exist to make a difference. We are about integrity, trust and advancing the science of nutrition.
Nugevity prides itself in designing products with unparalleled safety and efficacy. This is why we were awarded a Space Act Agreement, and our scientific team continues to engage in cutting-edge research with world-class partners.
For a list of our collaborations, scientific accomplishments, and published works, please contact us.
Since 2005, our scientists have collaborated with NASA in the development of nutritional technologies to augment the health and performance of US astronauts.

Space Act Agreement
Since 1999, AmeriSciences® brand products have been formulated and dispensed by clinicians in the United States. AmeriSciences® is a trademark now owned by Nugevity.
In 2005, NASA entered into a Space Act Agreement with AmeriSciences®. The purpose of the partnership was to develop nutritional technologies and countermeasures that can help protect the health of astronauts during space travel; and provide optimal nutrition during the arduous pre-flight training process.
As a result of this partnership, several technologies were developed:
BioRelease™: A proprietary protocol that improves tablet dissolution profiles, resulting in increased nutrient release and bioavailability. Nugevity products featuring BioRelease™ technology consistently deliver a dissolution rate of 95% or more, which is better than even current pharmaceutical standards. BioRelease™ was co-developed by NASA.
Pharma-IQ™: A set of quality and manufacturing standards that surpass current regulatory requirements for dietary supplements. Pharma-IQ™ was specifically designed for NASA’s mission-critical products that have zero room for error. Pharma-IQ™ was co-developed by NASA.
AS 10®: A patent-pending nutritional protocol formulated to improve the nutritional status of crew members. AS 10® is currently being researched as a countermeasure to protect humans against the harmful effects of space radiation; to increase resilience; and to enhance physical, mental, and ocular performance. The patent application lists both NASA and Nugevity personnel as co-inventors.
Since 2014, Nugevity has incorporated these technologies into all of its products. All of our formulations contain Space Act Technologies such as BioRelease™ and Pharma-IQ™.
In addition, Nugevity has launched a separate family of consumer products bearing the brand AS 10®, which are civilian versions of the nutritional protocols currently under research.